
Practicing Relationality is a project I’ve been evolving with since 2014. Inspired by philosophical views of the world as interdependent and connected, emphasising how nothing exists in isolation, it maps my explorations of what this means in practice in how we relate to ourselves, one another and our worlds.

With a background in collaboration, experimental art and improvised movement approaches, I’m interested in the imaginative and collaborative possibilities offered by interdisciplinary ways of working. I’ve been studying and experimenting with practices exploring how different approaches to knowing and perceiving open up possibilities for relating, sense-making and self-organising. I received a Master of Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute in 2017. Since 2016 I’ve been training in Process-oriented Psychology or Processwork, a therapeutic-facilitation practice based on a body-based and systemic approach linking the personal and political, spirituality and social activism.

Since 2020 I’ve been practicing as a group facilitator and trainee psychotherapist

Member of the CDS Artist Community

Associate Artist at Bewegende Kunstformen


Contact: info[at]savannahtheis.com
